Hosting and Joining Sessions
Forum AI Interpreter has two session options for your interpreted experience: hosting or joining. In short, the organizer will HOST the session, and participants will JOIN the session.

Host a Session
- When the session organizer selects "Host a Session", they can title the session and decide to mute the audience or not (if muted, participants can listen but not interrupt the session).
- Forum will create a session code which the organizer can share with their participants.

Join a Session
- Participants have two options for joining the session
- From the Forum app, participants can simply select Join a Session, and scan the QR code or PIN code.
- Alternatively, participants can scan the QR code from their smartphone's camera, and a mobile web browser version will instantly load the session; NO APP REQUIRED!
During a session you can always access the session's QR and PIN code from the Settings menu in the lower right corner. This is helpful when sharing a session already in progress.